2022 Graduating Seniors

We are very proud of our graduating seniors and look forward to their final competitive year and leadership on the team!  Please join me in congratulating them as they become strong leaders in their future endeavors.  

Hannah Carpenter 

Level: Xcel Platinum

High School: Jackson High School 

GPA: 4.3

College: Ohio State University

Major: NICU Nursing 

Years in YMCA Gymnastics: 6

Significant High School Achievements:  National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Summa Graduate, Graduating with honors.

Significant Gymnastics Achievements: 4 year letterman in High School gymnastics 

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  When my best friend had an accident during tumbling not once, not twice, but three times. 

Chloe Croskey

Level: Xcel Platinum

High School: Hoover 

GPA: 4.4

College: University of Cincinnati

Major: Communications Design

Years in YMCA Gymnastics: 6

Significant High School Achievements:  Summa graduate, honor roll, letters in gymnastics and academics, Agape girls, link crew, student council, and pep club

Significant Gymnastics Achievements: 4 year letterman in High School gymnastics

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  When my best friend flipped on top of someone in the pit.  

Lindy Fitzsimmons

Level:  Xcel Platinum 

High School:  GlenOak 

GPA:  4.76

College:  John Carroll University

Major:  Biomedical Engineering

Years in YMCA Gymnastics:  6

Significant High School Achievements:  Top 25 of my class 

Significant Gymnastics Achievements:  Regional Champion on Bars and getting an uphill

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  Getting yelled at for doing double fronts into the pit with Meghan O. in Level 3.  

Alexandra Hickey

Level:  Xcel Gold 

High School:  GlenOak

GPA:  4.325

College:  University of Findlay

Major:  Pre-Vet

Years in YMCA Gymnastics:  7

Significant High School Achievements:  Graduating with Full IB honors and Member of National Honor Society

Significant Gymnastics Achievement:  Qualifying for Nationals 

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  8.55 on bars at Regionals  - 3rd place

Olivia Korach 

Level:  7

High School: Hoover 

GPA:  4.393

College: Undecided

Major: History

Years in YMCA Gymnastics: 9

Significant High School Achievements:  Varsity for Track in long jump and HS gymnastics, also graduated with Summa GPA 

Significant Gymnastics Achievements: Lettered in all 3 completed Hoover gymnastics seasons 

Favorite Gymnastics Memory: Too many to pick one, but anytime I was laughing or dancing with my teammates at practice. 

Savannah Lonzrick

Level:  10

High School:  Field Local School 

GPA:  3.9

College:  Walsh University

Major:  Nursing

Years in YMCA Gymnastics:  1 

Significant High School Achievements:  Secretary class officer for 4 years.  On student council and in National Honor Society.  Four year varsity letterer for cheerleading and team captain.  Office aid and member of the principal's advisory club.  Taken all honors or college classes throughout high school.  

Significant Gymnastics Achievements:  Won first place in vault at Nationals for level three.  My greatest achievement is reaching and competing as a level 10 gymnast. 

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  Traveling with my teammates to compete at ESPN in Florida and then all of us going to Disney together.  Also seeing Natalie, Charlotte, Kiara, and Carley every day at practice and laughing together.  

Adrienne Mann

Level:  6

High School:  Louisville High School 

GPA:  3.4

College:  University of Akron

Major:  Marketing 

Years in YMCA Gymnastics:  15

Significant High School Achievements:  Competed 4 years on the high school gymnastics team and lettering for 3, part of Jo's girls club for 2 years

Significant Gymnastics Achievements: 2017 District AAA Champion and 2nd place finish on beam at Nationals 

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  Me and my teammates would dress up for Halloween and take candy from the tables during trick or treat and eat it instead of practicing.  

Sydney Minor 

Level:  9

High School:  Lake High School

GPA:  4.4

College:  Florida Institute of Technology

Major:  Forensic Psychology and Computer Science

Years in YMCA Gymnastics:  9

Significant High School Achievements:  High School Gymnastics Captain, Cheerleader, NHS Treasurer, Freshman Student Mentor, Top 25 in class, Camp Counselor

Significant Gymnastics Achievements: Level 6 National Champion, Spirit Award Winner, Choreographer for Floor Routines

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  When our stereo broke, we had to try and sing everyone's floor music from memory

Kyla Yung 

Level: 9

High School: Jackson High School 

GPA: 5.1

College: Case Western Reserve University

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Years in YMCA Gymnastics: 5

Significant High School Achievements:  High School Gymnastics Team Co-Captain; Piccolo player in marching band, flutist in symphony band; founder of Asian Culture Club; lead Freshman mentor; President of Chinese club; National Honor Society Secretary; Member of Science, Math, Tri-M, and Chinese Honors Society; Black belt in Karate

Significant Gymnastics Achievements: Getting a double full on floor and a double back dismount on bars

Favorite Gymnastics Memory:  Dancing with my sister, Krista, at gymnastics practice and laughing with my teammates